I do a lot of engraving on drinking glasses using the 3rd axis attachment, but found the rollers didn’t give enough grip and the glass slipped sometimes, ruining the engraving. The rubber bands that come with the 3rd axis weren’t doing it for me so I started looking for a permanent solution to give more grip. I even dismantled the whole 3rd axis assembly (voiding my warranty…) and tried spraying and dipping the rollers in liquid rubber, but this gave uneven results. I tried covering the rollers with the long party balloons, but they kept tearing and falling off. Yi suggested covering the rollers with tape and after I did this, I have never looked back. This is a “non-intrusive” technique that requires no disassembly of the rollers that will affect your warranty. And it’s permanent, you won’t ever have to mess with rubber bands or other methods again.
I use 25mm Gorilla tape in this film. It is strong, doesn’t stretch too much and is really sticky. If you want to try this method yourself, you can try any brand/type of tape. The important thing to consider though is the thickness. If it’s too thick the tape from one roller might come in to contact with the tape on the other roller and you will have created another problem.
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