LP2 Double Distance Probe

Compared to the single probe, this one offers:

  1. hand-free measurement;
  2. ensures the engraver is parallel to a large surface/object when tilted (watch video demo).

Mind that this one is a bit difficult to print and clean up. It requires a precise and well-calibrated 3D printer.

Printing Instructions

  • LP2 110mm double probe (stl file)
    • enable support
    • use 15%+ infill and 0.1mm layer height
    • depending on your printer and filament, you may need to reduce the flow a little bit.
    • After printing, carefully separate the / design with a shape knife so that the end of the probes can retract when pressed.
    • Carefully observe the bottom of the hinge in an STL viewer or slicer, then use a sharp knife to separate the designed gaps in the first layer that may be stuck together due to the elephant foot effect or the use of a brim. I highly recommend you do a test print of the hinge only to see if your print settings need adjusting at all, before spending 3-4 hours printing the complete design.


Slide the printed part onto the bottom of the LP2, and lower the engraver till the tip(s) of the probe(s) touch the engraving surface without retraction.

The probes can be flipped up when not in use. They are designed to stay at the horizontal position without dropping.

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