Engraving Settings and Notations

LP users use commonly recognised shorthands when writing down LP engraving settings. These parameters are in the order as they appear in the LP mobile app, so it will not take much effort to remember the notations.

Legacy Notation for LP1/Pro

I used to write (100,50) for Power: 100%, Depth: 50%, Pass: 1(90,80)x2 for Power: 90%, Depth: 80%, Pass: 2. You will see these in my early articles.

Current Notation for LP2/3/4

Compared to the LP1/Pro, there’s one extra parameter:

  • Resolution: This is LP’s own notation of resolution. It means the number of dots or pixels per 100mm.
    • LP1/Pro: 1k (no other option available) = 10px/mm = 254dpi
    • LP2: 1k, 1.3k = 13px/mm = 330dpi, 2k = 20px/mm = 508dpi
    • LP3: 1k, 2k, 4k = 40px/mm = 1016dpi
  • Power: 1% to 100%. Higher power means higher engraving temperature.
  • Depth: 1% to 100%. Deeper means slower laser movement.
  • Pass: Times of engraving. Sometimes low power multi-pass works better than high-power single-pass.

For LP2/LP3, it’s important to note the resolution, too. By using a different resolution, you most likely need to change power/depth as well.


  • (1,100,50,1) means
    • Resolution: 1k
    • Power: 100%
    • Depth: 50%
    • Pass: 1
  • (2,80,20,2) means
    • Resolution: 2k
    • Power: 80%
    • Depth: 20%
    • Pass: 2
  • (G,20,1,5) means
    • Gcode mode, which does not have a resolution option
    • Power: 20%
    • Depth: 1%
    • Pass: 5

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